Create a payment
To send funds to a worker on Plane, you create a new payment object.
The ID of an existing worker this payment will be sent to.
The amount of the payment in decimal format.
Three-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase.
ID of the account belong to this worker you want to send the payment to. When omitted, Plane will use the worker’s preferred bank account for a given currency.
The date this payment is scheduled for. When omitted, Plane will pick the soonest available date.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
A reference for this payment visible to the worker. When ommitted, Plane will generate a new 8-character reference for each payment.
An additional memo to be included with the payment. Plane will try to include it in payment instructions, so it may be shown on the recipient’s bank statement depending on the payment method used.
An optional period that this payment is associated with.
Returns the Payment object after successful payment creation. Returns an error code if create parameters are invalid.
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